Table of Contents

Thanksgiving Event


Teleport to the Event

/navi moc_para01 40/20

During the event, a Teleporter NPC are located in major cities and Eden Group that will teleport players to Alberta for free to participate in the event:

Players who already participated in the event cannot use the NPC.

Initial Quest

/navi alberta 138/169

  1. Talk to Harvest Festival Coordinator Luna to register for the festival.
  2. She will ask for 10 Tree Root, 5 High Quality Branch, and 1 Fire Arrow.
  3. Bring back the required items to light the campfire.
  4. Rewarded with: 1 Free Ship Ticket and 1 Harvest Lottery Ticket.

Resurrected Branches

/navi alberta 134/162

  1. Talk to Mage Luna who asks you to hunt 10 Resurrected Branches and acquire 10 High Quality Branch.
  2. Hunt the Event Monsters.
  3. Return to NPC who rewards you with 1 Harvest Lottery Ticket.

This quest can be repeated daily upon reset at 4:00AM Korean time.

Taming Hungry Boars

/navi alberta 152/198

  1. Talk to Hunter Serena who asks you to tame 10 Hungry Boars.
  2. She will give you 1 Hungry Boar Trap which is an infinite taming item specifically for Hungry Boars.
  3. Capture 10 Hungry Boars to acquire 10 Captured Hungry Boar.
  4. Return to NPC who rewards you with Free Ship Ticket and 1 Harvest Lottery Ticket.

Harvest Preparation

/navi alberta 119/193

  1. Talk to Seonghwa who asks for a random set of items for cooking.
  2. Possible Item Set Requests:
  3. Return to NPC who rewards you with 1 Harvest Lottery Ticket.

This quest can be repeated daily upon reset at 4:00AM Korean time.

Random Craftsman Request

After completing Harvest Preparation, one random craftsman will require your help.

Players can only complete 1 random craftsman quest per day (reset at 4:00AM Korean time).

Turkey Craftsman Louise

/navi alberta 115/198

  1. Talk to Louise who asks for 30 Grasshopper's Leg, 20 Harvest Festa Cookie, and 20 Green Herb.
  2. Return to NPC who rewards you:

Moon Pastry Craftsman Eunwol

/navi alberta 117/198

  1. Talk to Eunwol who asks for 10 Harvest Festa Cookie.
  2. Return to NPC who rewards you with 1 Harvest Lottery Ticket.

Songpyeon Craftsman Kim

/navi alberta 119/198

  1. Talk to Kim who asks for 2 Free Ship Ticket.
  2. Return to NPC who rewards you with 2 Harvest Lottery Ticket.

Event Monsters


Item Exchange

Random Turn In

/navi alberta 138/188 /navi alberta 141/188

Talk to the left NPC to select which item to exchange for a random reward:

Talk to the right NPC (Option 1) to exchange 1 Harvest Lottery Ticket for a random reward.

Possible Reward:

Speedboat Travel

/navi alberta 140/170

Talk to NPC and exchange 1 Free Ship Ticket for a free teleport to one of the following cities:

Players should not use this NPC to save Free Ship Ticket for Random Craftsman Request quest.
